Way off topic... just a happy day to share with you all...

Shari shari at gypsyware.com
Fri Aug 18 05:47:09 CDT 2006

Thankee, Richmond :-)

You are the second person who told me that this week.  A friend of 
mine told me I should write children's books because I get so 
enthusiastic about things.

Last night I was squealing with glee watching the Eagles in concert 
on TV.  Now I know you are wondering what could possibly get me going 
over the Eagles.  They make great music, but squealing with glee?

The answer:  Joe Walsh.  That man is HILARIOUS to watch.  The faces 
he makes... He is pure entertainment.  Bear and I were debating over 
whether he had teeth... we honestly couldn't tell... sometimes he 
looks like he doesn't have a tooth in there... other times you swear 
you see teeth...

They really need to point that camera at him a lot more!  Nobody else 
could pull off polka dotted pajama pants as he does :-)


>Congratulations, Shari,
>NOT for buying a jazzy new Intel MAC! BUT for managing,
>somehow, in the ups and downs of life, the feeling of
>excitement and joy at being able to explore and work
>with something new!
>Lo9ve, Richmond Mathewson

Mac and Windows shareware games

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