ColorizeScript challenge

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Apr 27 10:31:12 CDT 2006

Geoff Canyon wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:
>> On 27 Apr 2006, at 12:31, Geoff Canyon wrote:
>>> Attempting to take back the beer (I don't drink, so I'm not sure why 
>>> I'm bothering...)
>> And I don't colorize my scripts. How pathetic are we? Make sure 
>> Richard buys you a nice meal.
> I don't colorize either. What a couple of saps.

That makes three of us. :)

But folks seem to like it so it seems worth doing.

>>> put ("oh no, #this will be a comment")
>>> Everything after the # would be colored as a comment. I didn't know 
>>> until now that the above breaks the "quoted text is one word" rule. 
>>> There are eight words in that line according to Revolution.
>> I'm not sure I want to know that. One more things to worry about.
> I think if I really want the beer (maybe tonight) I'd rewrite my code to 
> simply loop through the characters of the script and keep my own state 
> variables: inBlockComment, inQuotedString. Assemble words, put them into 
> the HTML, etc. <sigh>
> What's the use of lines, words, etc. for a task like this? Not much, I'm 
> afraid.

Here's a tough one:  Your script works great in MC (I've had to modify 
it to use it there, and changed some color assignments while I was at it 
-- see below), but it doesn't set the color of function names when the 
function is used in the traditional parenthetic form rather than with 
"the", e.g.:

   put the length of "Hello" -- colorizes "length"
   put length("Hello") -- doesn't colorize "length"

I began exploring ways to use token instead of work, but I couldn't do 
it without changing the actual text.  Maybe with a little more 
dilligence token might be the magic key we're looking for....

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

on colorizeScript -- GC
   global gREVScriptHTMLColors
   if the optionKey is "down" then
     exit colorizeScript
   end if
   if gREVScriptHTMLColors["if"] is empty then SetupHTMLColors
   put the scroll of fld "Editor Field" into tSaveScroll
   put fld "Editor Field" into tScript
   replace "&" with "&amp;" in tScript
   replace "<" with "&lt;" in tScript
   replace ">" with "&gt;" in tScript
   repeat for each line L in tScript
     put 0 into i
     repeat for each word W in L
       add 1 to i
       if gREVScriptHTMLColors[W] is not empty then
         put gREVScriptHTMLColors[W] into word i of L
         add 1 to i
       else if char 1 of W is "#" or char 1 to 2 of W is "--" then
         put "<font color=gray60>" before word i of L
         put "</font>" after L
         exit repeat
       end if
     end repeat
     put "<p>" & L & "</p>" & cr after tReturn
   end repeat
   set the htmlText of fld "Editor Field" to tReturn
   set the scroll of fld "Editor Field" to tSaveScroll
   unlock screen
end colorizeScript

on SetupHTMLColors -- initializes gREVScriptHTMLColors global
   global gREVScriptHTMLColors
   if gREVScriptHTMLColors["if"] is empty then setupColors
   delete variable gREVScriptHTMLColors
   put tokencolors into tColors
   combine tColors with cr and tab
   set the itemdelimiter to tab
   repeat for each line L in tColors
     -- watch out for text wrap with this line:
     put format("%s\t<font color=\"%s\">%s</font>\n",item 1 of L,item 2 
of L,item 1 of L) after gREVScriptHTMLColors
   end repeat
   split gREVScriptHTMLColors with cr and tab
end SetupHTMLColors

on setupcolors
   repeat for each word w in the commandNames
     put "blue" into tokencolors[w]
   end repeat
   repeat for each word w in "if then else repeat for with while on end 
switch case getprop setprop"
     --! put "Brown" into tokencolors[w]
     put "Green3" into tokencolors[w]
   end repeat
   repeat for each word w in the functionNames
     put "DarkOrange" into tokencolors[w]
   end repeat
   repeat for each word w in the propertyNames
     put "red" into tokencolors[w]
   end repeat
end setupcolors

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