ColorizeScript challenge

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Wed Apr 26 01:23:17 CDT 2006

On Apr 25, 2006, at 4:00 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Anyone have ideas on how to speed up MC's script colorizing?

Funny you should ask. I did this once as a thought experiment, with  
an eye to never storing the colorized version of the script but  
generating it on the fly.

I changed the script to get the text of the script into a variable,  
then build the HTMLtext necessary, then set the HTMLtext of the field.

The code is about 100 times as fast as the existing code -- it does  
the libURL script in about half a second on my PowerBook.

I can send the stack if you like -- it's thought experiment quality  
i.e. no documentation and not guaranteed.


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