screen refresh

Rick Rice rice at
Thu May 5 13:46:42 EDT 2005

On May 5, 2005, at 12:16 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 5/5/05 12:48 PM, Rick Rice wrote:
>>> quick guess: Did you check the "alwaysbuffer" of that image?
>>     Yes I did. Doesn't make any difference if it is set to true or 
>> false.
> How about the alwaysBuffer of the stack? What happens if you set that 
> to true?
	OK, just tried the alwaysBuffer of stack. Set it to true.
	Still got a little bit of flicker as the card opened.
	Copied the image off the card that didn't have the problem. Deleted 
the image from the problem card and pasted the copied image.
	Viola..... problem gone.
	Not sure if I had to do both, but its fixed and I'm not screwing with 
it anymore.
	Thanks everyone.
	This list is great.

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