savingStandalone and standaloneSaved messages

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Fri Jul 1 06:54:15 CDT 2005

>There are two Rev IDE message which may be useful to add to the MC IDE:
>savingStandalone -- sent just before the build
>standaloneSaved  -- sent just after
>In spite of the departure from convention, the absence of the "rev" 
>prefix does NOT mean these are engine messages.
>This means that to support them we need to add them ourselves.
>It wouldn't be hard to do, and would allow folks to have an 
>automatic trigger for things like StripAndShip handlers.
>Any objections to my adding these?
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation

You mean that the standalone builder in Rev sends them and you want 
to add the same to standalone builder in MC IDE. If so, sounds good 
to me. No harm to having them and new possibilities to automate some 


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