Planned changes for b9

Klaus Major klaus at
Sat Jan 22 13:06:38 EST 2005

Hi Tariel,

>> From: Klaus Major <klaus at>
>> i am planning to add some tiny but handy changes to the next version 
>> of
>> the MC IDE...
>> 2.
>> Add a checkbox "lock messages" to the group "Substacks" of the "Stack
>> components".
>> So when doubleclicking the listfield or clicking "Toplevel" or 
>> "Delete"
>> the messages are locked/not locked accordingly...
> never had a problems with messages after  clicking "Toplevel" or 
> "Delete" in
> "Stack components". Can you elaborate please?

If you open a substack with a doubleclick or the buttons, then all 
messages like
"Preopenstack" etc... are of course executed, and some folks like moi, 
don't want
that sometimes. So a little checkbox would come handy :-)

>> Now the big question(s):
> I'll just type "X" in answers to "highlight" the chosen one...
>> 1.
>> Could live with these changes in general?
>> [ X ] Yes
>> [ ] No, i am just too conservative
>> 2.
>> Standalone builder
>> [ ] Add missing suffix silently?
>> [ X ] Ask the user?
>> 3.
>> Position of Menubar on win/*nix
>> [ X ] Put Menubar on (almost) topleft corner of the screen
>> [ ] Put it ............................. (fill in your favourite
>> position)
>> [ ] Leave it as is, i will do my own thing :-)

Thank you.

> best
> Tariel


Klaus Major
klaus at

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