Display of groups in Control Browser

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Thu Nov 25 23:34:40 EST 2004

And still more:

As reported, with engine version (Metacard) 2.6A2  the Control Browser 
displays group correctly. If you substitute this engine with the latest 
version 2.6.2A2 in the same folder and leave the other stacks of the MC 
IDE untouched, indeed then groups are displayed incorrectly.

This is enough proof for the fact that groups are now handled 
differently by the new engine.

That means that unless we find a solution to this problem by  updating 
the script of our Control Browser, I could not use Metacard with student 
groups beyond version 2.6A2 of the engine.

The developers of Revolution should keep in mind the promised continued 
compatibility of engine changes with the MC IDE and at least inform us 
in detail when changes in the IDE become necessary and where these have 
to be carried out.

--Wilhelm Sanke

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