Problems writing a Script ! Pls HELP !

kweto nrkweto03 at
Thu Jun 17 08:35:15 EDT 2004

I haven't checked this, but...

on mouseUp
put empty into field "morsetext"
put empty into field "standardtext"
ask "What would you like to translate?? Was h$BgU(Bten Sie gern $B!&(Bersetzt ??"
if it is not empty then
set the cursor to watch
put it into field "standardtext"
put it into filecontent
put empty into tTranslatedText
repeat for each char w in filecontent
if  w = "a" then
put ".- /" after tTranslatedText
next repeat
if  w = "b" then
 put "-... /" after tTranslatedText
next repeat
end if
-- and so on...
end repeat
put tTranslatedText into field "morsetext"
answer "There you go! Bitte Sch$B‹O(B!"
end if
end mouseUp


Nicolas Cueto

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