MC IDE v2.6b6 posted

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Jul 24 02:20:22 EDT 2004

Another thing I noticed in the new IDE:

The buttons in the ask and answer dialogs aren't wide enough. On OS X 
the "Cancel" button label in the ask dialog almost hits the right edge, 
I think it needs more visual space. Also, the size of the two buttons in 
the ask dialog look funny to me, they are two tiny things floating in a 
lot of empty space. I know they were resized to conform to OS standards 
(and I like the new height much better,) but the width on OS X looks 
almost comical. Can we add six or eight pixels to their width?

Also, in the older IDEs, one of the nicest things was that the Cancel 
button arranged itself according to OS guidelines -- on the left for 
Macs, on the right for Windows. These don't seem to rearrange. The 
Cancel button is always on the right in OS X.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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