proposal: revAppVersion = 0

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Jul 21 00:55:04 EDT 2004

On 7/20/04 10:06 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> also, I notice libURL doesn't start automatically, but my 
> altPluginsToolbar (and MagicCarpet and other plugins) need it. So, in MC 
> I use in my altPlugin toolbar initMe routine the following:
> try
>   get libURLVersion()
> catch tErr
>   start using stack libURL
> end try
> Any ideas why this isn't a good thing to do in MC? IOW, would 
> auto-starting libURL affect others? Perhaps I should "ask" for permission?

It shouldn't hurt anything. Most of the libURL commands used to be in a 
common library in MC, until it got so big that they moved it into its 
own substack. After that, the "new" requirement was that you had to 
start using it if you needed to. So if your plugins put it in use, you 
aren't doing anything different than the old IDE did. I don't see any 
potential problems, I think the library pretty much stays out of the way 
and behaves itself.

That's a long way of saying you don't have to get permission.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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