Update on WYSIWYG editor of Alain

Alain Farmer alain_farmer at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 15 14:38:48 EDT 2004

Hello everyone,

Here is an updated version of the software (in French)
that Im crafting for a francophone school commission.
The relevance, for this mostly-anglo maillist, is that
it implements a bunch of features that can be re-used
as-is (or with a tiny bit of adaptation). The "killer"
one is the WYSIWYG web-site editor that transforms MC
layout of a stack into the corresponding website coded
as DHTML that runs on ALL browsers, including Explorer
6.x and browsers as ancient as Netscape 4.7.x ( which
is what Im using on my Mac running OS 8.6 ). La piece
de resistance to top-it-all-off is that it comes with
a toolbar that allows you to format the text, create
http links, include images, etc. This toolbar can be
used separately, furthermore, with *any* other stack.

Without further ado, here is the URL to download it:


PS: This beta version only supports fields and images.
Subsequent versions, which y!all can help me with, if
you wish, could easily support Quicktime and buttons,
including checkboxes, radioButtons, menus, ... , and
the ordinary ones too.

PPS: It requires MetaCard 2.5 or better. It should
also work marvelously with RunRev. Much better than
FreeGUI did beause, in this case, there are no
GUI-specific dependencies to foul things up.

Enjoy this new wonder!


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