Post a mail form to perl cgi from MC

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Thu Feb 19 02:14:37 EST 2004

Hi Developers,

This is the script i'm using to
post a message to several email
directions from MC:

Create a stack with all the flds
specified in the script.

In your server cgi directory, you need a
properly configured copy of the perl
script "". Use the nms version
of the script that has increased security

This is the script of a "Send mail" button:

on mouseUp
  -- Setting httpheaders as recommended by Dave Cragg
  -- in the message "HTTP headers for posting data"
  put "User-Agent: MyApp 1.0" into tHeaders
  set the httpHeaders to tHeaders
  put ""
into tUrl -- put here your own formMail direction!!!
  put "Exercise=Math test" into tString
  put "&Professor=Blas Pascal" after tString
  put "&recipient=" & field "mail recipients" after
tString -- add recipients separated by comma: 1,2,3
  put "&realname=" & field "sender name" after tString
  put "&email=" & field "sender email" after tString

-- The following enviroment variable give info
-- about the user.
  put "&env_report=REMOTE_ADDR" after tString
-- put "&env_report=HTTP_USER_AGENT" after tString

put "&subject=" & field "message subject" after
put "&Results=" & field "message" after tString
put crlf after tString
  post tString to url tUrl
  if the result is empty
    put it -- into message box
    set the htmltext of fld "result" to it 
    answer the result
  end if
end mouseUp

Did anyone foresee any security risk in this code?


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