Metacard Presentation: Help?

Eric Engle engleerica at
Tue Nov 4 09:20:15 EST 2003

Doing a presentation on Metacard/Revolution for my course in digital media on
friday... any stacks with neato visuals would be welcome. My objective is to
get the entire course fired up.

Heh. Writing an M.Sc. in comp.sci. Finally.

What I love about spam is realizing how profitable emotional insecurity can be for those who think they're somehow sexually inadequate. I get spam all the time offering to enlarge my breasts and lengthen my penis. And all I can ask is: which first? At least I know once I decide I will have a profitable future as a TV model... 

"To create a new standard takes something that's not just a little bit different. It takes something that's really new and captures people's imaginations. Macintosh meets that standard." -Bill Gates

"Those who would trade liberty for security, deserve neither." - Benjamin
What would _you say to a constitutional amendment to give the president dictatorial powers?

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