setting the page size

miscdas at miscdas at
Fri May 30 09:19:00 EDT 2003

Richard Gaskin writes: 

> miscdas at wrote: 
>> Richard Gaskin writes:
>> [snip]
>>> Is the printPapersize read-only?  If no, have I missed somewhere in both the
>>> MC and Rev docs where it's described as such? 
>>> -- 
>>> Richard Gaskin 
>> ==============
>> Probably missed something... 
>> Rev1.1.1
>> Transcript dictionary entry printPaperSize property: 
>> "The printPaperSize property specifies the dimensions of the paper used for
>> printing.  
>> set the printPaperSize to paperWidth,paperHeight"
> Ah, but it seems to only work until you call "answer printer" -- run this: 
> on mouseup
>   set the printPaperSize to 444,444
>   answer the printPaperSize
>   answer printer
>   answer the printPaperSize
>   --
>   set the printPaperSize to 444,444
>   answer the printPaperSize
> end mouseup 
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin 
Oh, so NOW you decided to give more information. Why didn't you include the 
above bit of script in the first post? 

I included another little change. After   answer printer executed, I set the 
paper size in the printer dialog to A4. Then when   answer the 
printPaperSize    executed, it displayed 595,841. Then running the button 
script again resulted in ONLY 595,841. So, it looks like after the answer 
printer is executed, whatever paper size is set in the printer now becomes 
the unchangeable-by-script value for  the printPaperSize property.  This 
qualifies as a bug in my book. If it is a "feature", I would really like to 
hear the reasoning behind it. 

I also thought that perhaps by using   open printing and close printing  in 
various combinations with  setting the  printPaperSize property might 
"reset" things--no way. 


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