Random of zero

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Wed May 14 12:59:01 EDT 2003

>  >> There are several little niggly things in programming that 
>violate, say, the
>  >> algebraic order of operations.

I've gotten in the habit of parenthizing all but the simplest 
equation.  I've discovered that the result is more likely to be what 
I want, that way.  Anytime I have an "if" statement with and/or, I 
ALWAYS parenthesize each segment, including segments within segments. 
Be it mathematical, or just a series of if/and/or statements.  Safer 
that way :-)

This may not be relevant to your -2^4 example.  But something else I 
do might be.

Don't ask me to recall the why's and wherefore's, but I know that 
I've resorted to the line:

put "-" before someNumber

Couldn't even tell you which program it's in, but I do vividly 
remember doing it :-)

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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