Random of zero

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Wed May 14 07:04:01 EDT 2003

>How does the random function work?
>Most, if not all random functions use:
>z[n] = a * z [n-1] mod m

So in a C/C++ language, or Pascal, or any of the non-English types, 
does a random(x) function exist, or does the programmer have to write 
their own random(x) function, as you show above?

I often hear talk about *seeds* in random functions, which assumes 
the codewriter is operating at a baser level of coding than we are. 
I know MetaTalk offers randomseed as well.

I've always suspected that random(x) is not always as random as one 
would expect -not specific to Metacard, I noticed this primarily in 
Hypercard, when I'd see the same number come up several times in 
succession, for example with a dice roll.  Granted there are only six 
choices for the number, but I noticed that at any given time, there 
was usually one number that was hot, and came up more frequently than 
other numbers.

This is useful info, as random(x) while usually it does not matter if 
a number or range of numbers is *hot*, but in some cases, it matters 
a lot.

Very interesting stuff, indeedy :-)

Shari C
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