Storing Unicode - for cross-platform apps in MC 2.5.

david david at
Thu May 8 13:12:05 EDT 2003

Thanks Tuviah,

Was wandering about UTF-8 - it's not mentioned in the docs.

> MC will do this automatically if the text is stored in a field, and the
> field is using a unicode font.

Storing custom properties is now encoded correctly when opened on different
platforms I think, so this will work with the method you proposed for using
custom properties (even with double byte characters) - or am I missing

I'd been using custom properties and 16 bit unicode - but had problems. I'll
try UTF-8...

> It can change with each processor. A way to get at this info (maybe a
> byteswapped function) would be useful.

I'd second that - is there a web source for this info - could script a
function for now?

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