Web programming tools

Richard MacLemale rmaclema at tampabay.rr.com
Sat May 3 12:02:00 EDT 2003

The issue of "The web browser sucks as UI" has hindered us for years, and it
is true that it's very hard to fight it.  My example:

I made a MetaCard app for my classroom teachers to make web pages that
consisted of 4 text fields and a button.  When the user launched the app, it
asked for a name and password.  Then all the teacher had to do was fill in
the 4 fields with whatever text and links they wanted on their web page, and
click the "submit" button.  The app would then use ftp to log into our
school website, update their web page, and log off.  It was drop dead stupid
simple to use.  And no one ended up using it.

I didn't understand why.  So the following year, I did the same thing only I
used a web page interface with 4 text fields and used a cgi script
(metacard) to generate the page.  So teachers would essentially put in their
name and password, go to this web page, fill in the 4 fields, and click the
"submit" button.  Instead of zero percent faculty use, I got more like 40%.
It was the SAME DAMN THING only web based.

I concluded that many computer users do not want to "learn another program,"
but if it's a WEB PAGE they're willing to use it.  As illogical as this
sounds, I believe it is often true.

However, I think there is hope.  There's an application out right now that
is getting rave reviews and is a standalone app that connects to the
internet for info and file downloading, and it's a stand alone app, NOT a
web page.  And people are willing to use it.  It's called iTunes 4.  At
least we know it CAN be done...

So all you need to do is develop a revolutionary new killer app, have a huge
brand name, and put millions of dollars behind your product, and you can get
away with dumping the browser.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

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