Metacard Windows XP - MAC

Joanne CannonCarlson jcannon at
Wed Mar 19 05:15:01 EST 2003

I found the following message on your list.
I have also converted a metaCard project from Mac to Windows XP.  
However, when i tried the reverse - Windows XP to MAC OS X or OS 9, 
the MAC version of Metacard could not recognize the Windows .mc file.
Any ideas?
Jo CannonCarlson
Multimedia Programmer/Analyst
Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

I've done it.  Opened a stack created on Mac in Windows.

The stack was created on Mac PPC 8.6.  I've opened and edited it in 
OSX, and now on Windows NT (or was it XP?)

It was almost identical but for a few minor items.  However, when I 
created the stack, I specifically kept in mind that I would want to 
eventually port it to Windows, so in the coding, I avoided code that 
was not cross-platform (such as certain color transparencies), and 
incorporated platform specific code where needed.

Shari C

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