C function in metaTalk?

eric.allen.engle at justice.com eric.allen.engle at justice.com
Thu Mar 13 08:14:01 EST 2003

I'm trying to translate the following C functions into
If done properly they take as input a string, say ABC
and then 
permutate it into
a b
a b c
b c

UGLY C***************************************
void permsWithPrefix(string s, string prefix)

public static void printPerms(String s)
permsWithPrefix(s, "");

public static void permsWithPrefix(String s, string
if (s.length() < 2)
System.out.println(prefix + s);


String remainder;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
remainder = s.substring(0,i) + s.substring(i+1);
permsWithPrefix(remainder, prefix + s.charAt(i));

The closest I've gotten turning this into hypertalk is:

SWEET METATALK:*************
on permswithprefix s, prefix
  if the length of s < 2 then put prefix & s & return
after cd fld 1 
    repeat with  i = 0 to the length of s
      put character 0 to i of s into remainder
      put character i+1 of s after remainder
      permswithprefix remainder, prefix & character i
of s
    end repeat
  end if
end permswithprefix

on printperms s
  permswithprefix s, ""
end printperms

on mouseUp
  printperms abc
end mouseUp


But it still doesn't work, apparently because the
substring function in 
c will deliver 1 character(!) if you say
// -- returns r, if I remember correctly

Any ideas? I would really like to just translate this


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