Initiate a tabKey Message

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Mar 13 03:22:01 EST 2003

Recently, I wrote:

> I would like to use arrow keys to navigate between (establish focus on)
> several fields on a card.  The tab key works perfectly as expected, but I
> need to use the arrow keys to do the same.  Is this possible without
> resorting to a hardwired script?

Here's one answer to my question:

on arrowKey tKey
  if tKey is in "right,down" then
    if number of the focusedObject < number of controls of this cd then
      focus on control (number of the focusedObject + 1)
    else focus on control 1 of this cd
    if number of the focusedObject > 1 then
      focus on control (number of the focusedObject - 1)
    else focus on control (number of controls of this cd) of this cd
  end if
end arrowKey

But, it would still be nice to know why the original handler doesn't work:

> on arrowKey
> tabKey
> end arrowKey
> on tabKey
> pass tabKey
> end tabKey


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
Email: scott at

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