UNIX help?

Sadhunathan Nadesan sadhu at castandcrew.com
Thu Jun 26 10:36:00 EDT 2003

|    5. UNIX help? (Richard MacLemale)

Perhaps it would be instructive to see a cgi script that is working?
BTW, this is an old one, I now collect the post data in a loop, since
we found we'd sometimes not get all the data.  However, this should work
for a form that is not too long.

You will of course have to replace my qmail command with a sendmail


#                        -=< Web Stuff >=-
#     Program name:     form.mt
#     Version number:   1.0
#     Author:           SN
#     Date:             10/9/01
#     Description:      Process web form messages

on startup

  -- collect the information from the form
  read from stdin until empty
  put it into url "file:/tmp/itdata.txt"
  put urlDecode (it)  into formdata
  split formdata by "&" and "="

  -- email the form contents to the user
  put formdata into url "file:/tmp/formdata.txt"
  put "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject '$EMAIL' < /tmp/formdata.txt" \
    into command_string
  replace "$EMAIL" with formdata["email"] in command_string
  set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
  put shell(command_string)

  -- respond to the user
  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr & cr
  put "Your information is below" & cr
  put command_string
  put keys(formdata) into keywords
  repeat for each line this_item in keywords
    put this_item && "=" && formdata[this_item] & cr
  end repeat

end startup

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