Queuing woes

Dave Cragg dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk
Fri Jun 20 06:53:01 EDT 2003

At 4:37 pm -0400 19/6/03, LK Hagen wrote:
>I am running MC 2.4, and working on an app that sends off multiple url
>requests  to search engine in succession.  If I interrupt the process and
>start over, I inevitably get a "queued" message back from urlStatus(). the
>urlStatus() function currently resides inside the idle handler, so it's
>updated constantly.  If I quit and relaunch, however, and then use
>load url tURL
>everything works just fine again.  I have been careful to unload all urls.  Ny
>way of fixing this without quitting MC?

libUrlResetAll will probably do what you want. But only use it when 
you really want to reset everything. It will close all sockets, and 
empty any previously loaded urls.


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