No return from "post" on Linux? A bug?

Sadhunathan Nadesan sadhu at
Thu Jan 30 21:16:01 EST 2003

Greetings Scott,

Not sure actually if this is a bug report, or I am doing something wrong,
a library mismatch, or maybe, just a request for a 'how to do it the
right way'??  In any case I would appreciate any advice.


I have a stack that does a post command to a cgi script on a remote
server.  The cgi runs some sql queries to standard out  (it has of course
first set the correct html content type so that apache likes the output).


On Windows, the sql output is returned as "it" right after the post
command in the calling stack.

On Linux, this does not happen.  Nothing is returned.

More Details:

I can confirm that the cgi is being called, that the sql is being
invoked, and I can save the output in a temporary file from this cgi
(which is an MC script) or even read this file back in to a buffer,
but then when I do a 'put' of this buffer, it does not return to the
calling stack on the remote client.

Again, only if it is a Linux client.  It does return just fine to a
Windows client.

The stack itself was created using MC 2.4.3 and the MC interpreter on
the webhost is 2.4 if that could be the problem, but it seems like the
post would not work at all to invoke the cgi if it were.

Anyway, any thoughts?  I can provide more details as needed.  Code samples


	----- code sample, the calling stack ----

on AzzList

  set the listBehavior of field "contents" to true
  put "action=list&" into azzdata
  set httpheaders to "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & return
  # the real name of the host has been replaced to protect the innocent
  post urlEncode(azzdata) to url ("")
  put it into sqldata

  if (the number of characters in sqldata is zero) then
    answer "Sorry, your data base is empty" & cr
    put "In the contents field below is a list of all the card titles" into field "title"
    put sqldata into field "contents"
  end if

end AzzList

	----- code sample, the cgi stack ----

on startup

  put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr & cr
  put emtpy into formdata
  if ($REQUEST_METHOD = "POST") then
    put empty into buffer
    repeat until (length(buffer) >= $CONTENT_LENGTH)
       read from stdin until empty
       put it after buffer
    end repeat
    read from stdin until empty
    put it into buffer
  end if
  put urlDecode(buffer) into formdata 

  split formdata by "&" and "="
  put keys(formdata) into keywords

  switch formdata["action"]
    case list
      put "select title from azz order by title;" into the_query
      put the_query into url "file:/tmp/azzlist.sql" 
      put "psql azz -qt -f /tmp/azzlist.sql" into command_string
  end switch

  set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
  put shell(command_string)

end startup

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