Dave Cragg dcragg at
Fri Jan 24 12:53:02 EST 2003

At 1:58 pm -0800 21/1/03, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>Ian Gordon wrote:
>>  put "ftp://"& urlEncode(tUsername) &":"& tPass &"@" & tadd &  tpath   into
>>  ftpPath
>>  put url ("binfile:" &  SrcFilename) into tData
>>  libUrlFtpUpload tData, ftpPath
>The specs I found online suggested encoding the user name and/or password,
>but libURL still choked on it with an "invalid url" rror wqhen I tried using
>a put command.
>Did you resort to using the libUrlFtpUpload command to get around what may
>be overzealous error-checking in libURL in response to "put"s?
>Either way, while using that method no longer throws the "invalid url"
>error, I'm still getting errors (yes, I'm testing while logged into AOL as
>their docs suggest).
>It may be a typo in my code.  At least I know that someone has successfully
>logged into AOL using libURL....I'll keep trying...

Sorry. I've been away and only just got this. In the orignal example, 
you should only need to urlEncode the password. "anonymous" can be 
passed as it is as urlEncode will make no difference. (In fact, 
libUrl urlDecodes all user names and passwords if present in the url, 
but it only matters if there are any non-alphanumeric characters in 
either the user name or password.)

Be sure to NOT urlEncode the colon separating the name and password. So:

put urlEncode("my_name") into tName
put urlEncode("me at") into tPass
put url ("ftp://" & tName & ":" & tPass & 
"") into tData


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