MC front end to PostgreSQL

Sadhunathan Nadesan sadhu at
Fri Jan 24 12:32:01 EST 2003

| I didn't have time to play with Pierre's thing yet but I kept wondering 
| what's the benefit of padding each name with ___ to keep a fixed number of 
| chars in the column names?
| Regards, Andu Novac

	Ah, hi

	I guess I should have posted one mail of 'gotchas' I found to
	the list, there is a separate group confering on this but I
	think it's list material.

	Anyway, I'm wondering the same thing but I found it easier to
	comply than switch.  I first set up my postgres table without
	the extra underscores but then found .. oh darn, Pierre has
	done a lot of working coding SQL statements in his stack using
	those field names so if you change them, you have to change
	all his code .. and THEN when he releases a new version (3
	already) you have to do it again.  Darn!  

	So it is easier to stick with his conventions.


	Another on the list of gotchas:

	His script assumes psql is in /bin at least in my
	environment.  What I had to do was put the full path name to

	In my case the change was to

put "/usr/local/pgsql-7.1.3/bin/psql -h abook -U sadhu" into PgPath 


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