No dialog box on answer command

David Frank dfchem at
Wed Jan 15 23:54:01 EST 2003

Can anyone help me here: when I put the answer command
in a script, it works fine in the editing mode, but no
dialog box shows up in the standalone. I even made a
test stack with just one button:

on mouseup
answer "Does this work?" with "No" or "Yes"
if it is "Yes" then 
end if
end mouseup

I tried it with "answer question" instead of just
answer: same thing. It does this on my Mac running 9.1
and on my kid's Windows running Millennia. What is
going on here?

Thanks for any help.


Dr. David Frank
Professor of Chemistry
California State University, Fresno
Tel: 559-278-2273
e-mail:  davidf at

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