OSX application menu

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 10 11:28:01 EST 2003

>This is in response to Shari's question quoted below.  Since I read the
>list in digest form, and thus with some delay, perhaps this question will
>have already been addressed, but here goes anyway.
>Shari, you and I have been dealing with OS X problems at about the same
>time as we make the transition to this new environment.  I was working on
>this problem a few weeks ago, and got it solved, with the offlist help of
>Jacqueline Landman Gay, who has been a consultant on my project.


THANK YOU for replying!  No the question has not been answered yet. 
My project does have a frontscript that I can insert this into.  I 
will try it today.

I'm still working my mind around the fact that OSX is a distinct, new 
OS, just as Windows is to the standard Mac user.  It is hard to 
*remember* that it is not the same, and must be treated differently 
than we always have before.

While OSX has some neat new additions, it seems they have removed 
some of the functionality I am accustomed to.  *sigh*

And they need better help docs!  :-)  I spent hours trying to figure 
out how to make the Contents show up where I could edit it.  Finally 
had to go online and search the Apple site.  Nowhere in the help docs 
did it give any info.  Maybe it is visible in the original OSX, but 
Jaguar hides it nicely, until you bring up the menu with the Control 
key to show the Contents.

Shari C

--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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