Export text from tabbed field

Signe Marie Sanne signe.sanne at roman.uib.no
Fri Jan 3 08:37:01 EST 2003

>--On Friday, January 03, 2003 13:27:26 +0100 Signe Marie Sanne 
><signe.sanne at roman.uib.no> wrote:
>>MC 2.5B1 - buildnumber 3 - MacOS 9.2, Windows 2000
>>Happy new year to all from Norway
>>Is it possible to export a field with fixed tab stops to a text file with
>>the tab stops being maintained in the file?
>You can save the tabs but not the graphical representation of the 
>stops, there is no such character as a tabstop. You could write a 
>converter to html tables and save that if that's what you're looking 
>>I have used: put fld 1 into
>>url tUrl. I have as well tried the stack "Print field" but the paper
>>print shows the same negative result. --
>Try printing the card with the field, it should show the tabstops.

Unfortunately, I forgot to say that it is a scrolling field, so that won't do.

1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne      e-mail: signe.sanne at roman.uib.no
Romansk Institutt                            tel:  +47 55 58 21 27
Oysteins gt. 1                                   
5007 Bergen        	 http://www.hf.uib.no/hfolk/mlab/hjem/default.html

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