Memory Problems

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Thu Feb 20 11:42:02 EST 2003

Ray Horsley wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm having memory problems (but not personally).  I need to go to or refer
> to several hundred stacks, but just one at a time.  I'm finding that even
> doing so with just a list of 30 or so doubles the memory Metacard grabs.  It
> stays doubled, slowing everything till I quit Metacard and relaunch.
> Example:
> repeat with L=1 to number of lines of allStacks  -- list of 30 stack paths
>     put line L of allStacks into stackPath
>     set the defaultStack to stackPath     -- or go stack stack path
>       -- do some stuff like set scripts and save the stack
>     delete stack stackPath
> end repeat
> Any ideas on how to keep memory usage down?  It would also be helpful for me
> to be able to monitor memory usage if anyone knows how to do this from
> within Metacard.
> Thanks!
> Ray Horsley
> Developer, LinkIt! Software
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Did you try in setting to true the "destroy stack on close" and, perhaps
even, the "destroy window on close" properties of the stacks you are
parsing ?

Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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