MC/RR and Email launching - windows?

MisterX x at
Thu Aug 14 11:08:00 EDT 2003

i use postie.exe
a simple shell call...

I get hourly checkups or immediate warnings in the mail and daily system

get shell("start /t cmd.exe "postie...")

Usage: postie [-host:server] [-port:service] [-news [-noarchive]]
[-to:address |
 -tolist:filename] [-cc:address | -cclist:filename]  [-bcc:address
| -bcclist:fi
lename] -from:address [-repltyto:address] [-verify] [-s:subject]
[-import|-t] [-
ns] [-file:filename] [-rm] [-nomsg | -msg:text] [-html [-alt]] [-config]
ename ...] [-dir:dirname]
Usage: postie [-host:server] [-port:service] [-imap
[-mbox:name]] -user:userid -
pass:password [-file:filename [-extract:[path]] [-msg:nbr] [-exec:cmd] [-br]

Usage: postie [-connect:string | -disconnect:string] [-noop] [options...]

You can get postie anywhere - google " download"
Common PC Command line tools like the MS Resource kits are also really
in MC for use id and other things. You can also use WSH but it's not secure
if you know what i mean...  ;)

- For those who kept reading, the best tip for using the shell commands and
avoid "hanging"
MC waiting for an answer is to use a "start" before your command line.

start /i cmd "<your command line>" and using logs to track progress.
Type start /? in a cmd.exe shell to see the options... you can catch the
output by piping it to a file
 > and >> are what do these in a file.cmd.
- Watch the quoting in parameters: if the path or name of a parameter
contains a space or & or @ etc..." you get an error! [This is heavenly when
using dynamic scripting and time is not that important compared to script
clarity or elegance!]
- Make sure you directory global points to a valid drive before using the
Shell() function.

Is there a linux equivalent to postie? I feel it's a dumb question but...


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