Encyrpted data sample

valetia at mac.com valetia at mac.com
Thu Apr 10 10:17:00 EDT 2003

Hi Philip,

> From: PEChumbley at aol.com
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 11:00:28 EDT
> The following script can be used to encode/decode text.  First, you need to
> generate a file of random numbers (I'll call it the "keyFile") which must be
> saved on each computer where you want to send or receive encrypted data.  You
> only do this once and then save the same file to each computer.

Does this mean (each time when data needs to be sent) that you would
generate the keyFile at the sender's computer and then have the keyFile sent
over, together with the encrypted data, to the receiving computer?

What happens if someone "captures" both pieces of information over the
connection, would it not be possible for them to decrypt the data?

> In this sample, I generate a keyFile of 10,000 random numbers.  I made no
> provisions in the script for exceeding that amount.  This file will let you
> encrypt 3,333 characters.

Can this (the number 10,000) be scaled up/down as much as is needed without
any known side-effects?



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