best laptop for MetaCard

Karl Becker karl at
Wed Sep 25 22:24:01 EDT 2002

On Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 04:25  AM, Dominique wrote:

>> My iBook runs MetaCard wonderfully.
>  Is it the 12"screen or the 14" one?
> As I am a short-sughted person, 1280 px on a 12" screen is a daunting
> perspective for me ;-)

Mine's the 12" version.  However, the iBook is 1024x768, not 1280.
I had the exact same worry as you when I bought this a year ago - my 
mind was instantly at ease once I saw the display, though.  If you can 
check out a retail Apple Store and actually use an iBook (either a 12" 
or 14"), that'd be what I recommend.  I thought 12" would be in no way 
usable, but because it's an LCD, the 12" LCD is easier to read and 
crisper than my 19" Sony CRT!  If you're used to CRTs, the iBook LCD 
will give you shell shock!

> I know though that MC is using Helvetica 14 as a default font -- better
> than the Geneva 9 with Rev!!!

Whether you like it or not, OS X uses much larger fonts than OS 9 for 
many things, too.  The default system font is bigger, programs use 
bigger fonts, and everything's antialiased, which actually looks quite 
nice in OS X 10.2 now with subpixel aliasing.

And I have no trouble waking from sleep with MC open... never tried it 
with a player running I guess, but because of OS X's stability, I 
wouldn't be worried about it.  The stability is absolutely *wicked!*
Go Bison!

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