play sound

Signe Marie Sanne signe.sanne at
Fri Sep 20 04:42:01 EDT 2002

Hello to all

In some of my programs sounds (.au) are downloaded from a server, but 
the way it is scripted, a ".au" file is left permanently on the local 
harddisk (even though shifting contents for each new sound). The 
script lines (using  DownloadNPlay and Updateme) are:

  if stat contains "cached" then
     put "Done" into field "progress"
     set the thumbpos of sb 1 to the endValue of sb 1
     wait 500 milliseconds
     hide group "watchProgress"
     put url href into tVar
     put "binfile:" & the directory & "/" into filnavn
     put tVar into url filnavn --A sound file named "" is created locally
     put the directory & "/" into lydfil
     play lydfil
     unload url href
     exit to MetaCard
   end if

In order to avoid creating the file "" I have tried:
   set filename of player "lyd" to  href
  start player 1

Here the filename of the player is correct, but it does NOT start the 
player. If I use a separate button with "start player 1" everything 
is OK.

If I use:
set filename of player "lyd" to URL href
  start player 1

the filename of the player is ".snd" and no sound comes out.

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions...


1. amanuensis Signe Marie Sanne      e-mail: signe.sanne at
Romansk Institutt                            tel:  +47 55 58 21 27
Oysteins gt. 1
5007 Bergen 

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