Window decorations in OSX

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Oct 26 00:17:01 EDT 2002

> > I was opening substacks as modeLess, setting the decorations to
> > "title,minimize,maximize,menu" and none of the stacks had a close box
> > in the upper left corner.  I had to switch to setting the decorations
> > to "default".
> More interesting for me was the fact that on OSX, setting the stack's
> to modeless causes it to show Aqua stripped lines in the background.  I
> have missed this one on the list...

Yes, any window that would be considered a "dialog box" (modal, modeless)
automatically gets the striped lines. Normal stack windows don't (although
you can take a scrreen capture of a chunk of the lines, import it as an
image and set the backgroundPattern of the window to the image to fake it).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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