Multiple Platform Release info

Shari gogypsy at
Tue Mar 26 08:05:01 EST 2002

>You can get the path to these folders using the  specialfolderpath 
>function. Tuv Snyder revealed on the list some time back how this 
>function can be extended beyond the default "special folders" by 
>passing an integer that corresponds to the Windows API 
>SHGetFolderPath  value/constant. The values for the "Applications 
>Data" folders are:
>get specialFolderPath(35) -- common Application Data folder
>get specialFolderpath(26) -- user's Application Data folder

What about the folder "Program Files"?

There is a folder "Program Files".  The path to the folder "Program 
Files", what would be the code number for this?

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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