Popup menu with a selected Line?

David Epstein depstein at att.net
Sat Mar 16 12:44:03 EST 2002

I want to pop up a list of options with one specified option already
highlighted under the mouse.

On the Mac, I can do this by setting the button's menumode to "option," in
which case the popup list highlights the option already selected.  But the
popup font, size, and background color cannot be set for this option
button's menu, and are limited to the System defaults.  And in Windows, this
doesn't work at all; an option button's menu does not highlight the previous
choice under the mouse.

On either system, the menu shown by a "popup" menumode button has no
highlighted line when the list pops up.

1.  Have I missed something?

2.  I assume that by popping up a stack rather than a button's contents I
can get something closer to what I want.  Has anyone figured out how to make
this really look like a popup menu, i.e., with the popped up panel smoothly
scrolling in either direction if the list of choices is taller than the

3.  Is it a reasonable feature request for MC to add a "selectedLine" or
"hilitedLine" property to a button whose style is "popup"?

Many thanks.

David Epstein

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