calling handlers with keys

Uwe Friese friese at
Fri Mar 15 08:51:00 EST 2002

Moin Klaus!

>>apart from having no formal training in programming I´m also german ;-)
>The latter is not a disadvantage per se ;-)

Sigh, really glad to hear that!

>>I need a way to call handlers within a repeat loop at different keyBoard 
>>actions, like
>>    "keyX"-->handler1
>>    "keyY"-->handler2
>>    "keyZ"-->handler3
>>end repeat
>Mabe this could help ?
>on keydown der_kieh
>   switch der_kieh
>     case "X"
>         handler1
>         break
>     case "Y"
>         handler2
>         break
>     case "Z"
>         handler3
>         break
>    end switch
>end keydown
>So there is not even a repeat-loop necessary...

The problem with the keyDown messages is that I need the rest of the script 
inside the repeat loop to be executed constantly (to present a stream of 
objects on the screen). Like this:

     presentSomeObjects -- this has to be performed constantly
                                    -- sometimes there is a key pressed; in 
this case I need:
end repeat

I have the strong feeling, that I´m missing something here. Of course "on 
keyDown" won´t work, but how else can I achieve this behavior?

Thank you,

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