Visual effects/opening stacks

Shari gogypsy at
Sat Mar 9 13:48:01 EST 2002

Trying to get used to the main stack not writing to itself... and 
building libraries of handlers that I use in every program on launch.

So I have the main stack, with nothing but a splash graphic.

The second stack, basically the library that I can use from project 
to project.  This one must write to itself.  And is key to the 
launching of the program.

Then the program itself.

The goal is to open the main stack, with a visual effect, then go to 
a specific card in the library stack with a visual effect, then go to 
the primary program stack with a visual effect.  The first two stacks 
are the same size, small, as they won't be used in the program itself 
visually, except on launch.  The visual effects work fine if you can 
open the stack in the same window as the previous stack.  But they 
break when going to the last stack, which must open in its own window 
as it's bigger.  When I tried opening it in the already open window, 
it smooshed the stack to the smaller size, but the visual effect 

What happens now, is that the last stack shows up as white space, and 
THEN shows the graphic on the card with the visual effect.  I want to 
eliminate the white space.  Even though the screen is locked, you can 
see the transition to the last stack as white space.  You can't "show 
stack" with a visual effect.  But showing the stack while the screen 
is locked, should have prevented the user from seeing the stack until 
the visual effect at the end unlocks it.

I've tried several variations of this, with and without invisible, 
lock screen, etc.  But nothing so far prevents a big ugly mess on 
that last visual effect. The stack shows up as static, then opens to 
black, then dissolves to the image on the card.   Other variations 
the stack shows up white, then does the visual effect.

The main stack has an openStack handler, as follows:

on openStack
   unlock screen with visual effect "dissolve" very fast
   wait 100 ticks
   visual effect "dissolve" slowly to black
   visual effect "dissolve" slowly
   go cd "List" of stack "Library" in window of stack "Main"
end openStack

The card "List" of the "Library" stack has the following handler:

on openCard
   send moveOn to me in 240 ticks
end openCard

on moveOn
   lock screen
   go invisible stack "Testing"
   set the loc of stack "Testing" to the screenLoc
   set the decorations of stack "Testing" to default
   set the bufferHiddenImages to true
   set the dontUseQt to true
   wait until the mouseClick
   show stack "Testing"
   visual effect "iris open" fast to black
   unlock screen with visual effect "dissolve" fast
end moveOn

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