Hopes crushed

Simon Lord slord at mac.com
Tue Jul 30 01:32:00 EDT 2002

Ok, I'm trying to use the libUrlFtpUpload <data>, <url> [, 
<message>] as noted on the RunRev site.  Before I paste the code 
I want to explain the problem which is, the file gets created on 
the server but that's as far as it goes.  I see a file on the 
server which has the correct name but is usually only a few 
bytes in size (I'm using 1.2mb files to test).

So it seems like the "showStatus" routine is not working out for 
me as directed.  Here is the lower portion of my mouseUp 
statement (only sets the variables up) and the showStatus 

   put "ftp://"& 
ftpUser&":"&ftpPass&"@"&ftpDomain&"/"&ftpDirectory &"/"& 
ftpFileName into ftpPath
   libUrlFtpUpload ftpFile, ftpPath
end mouseUp

on showStatus
   global ftpPath,ftpFile
   put urlStatus(ftpPath) into tStatus
   put tStatus ##show in message box
   if tStatus is not among the items of "uploaded,error,timeout" then
     send "showStatus" to me in 50 milliseconds
   end if
end showStatus

Help is greatly appreciated, success is in the air.  I can get 
this script working fine, but I'd rather use libUrlFtpUpload 
because I can work a progress bar into the mix and show the user 
something is happening.


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