Search all scripts

sanke at sanke at
Mon Jul 15 13:40:01 EDT 2002

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 Shari <gypsyware at> wrote:

>Does anyone have a good handler to search and edit all scripts in a 
>stack, the way you can in Hypercard?

>I diddled with the Hypercard search script handler, but have yet to 
>get it to work.  Seems like it should be so simple...

>Shari C

I have got a stack "McBrowser" that is sort of a combination of features of the
Metacard Control Browser and the Revolution Application Overview (but much
smaller and faster than the latter) with an intregrated search-and-edit function
for the controls of a card, card and stack scripts, or all scripts of a stack.

The found script lines are listed with their addresses (the respective control)
with the searchstring colored.
By clicking at the address you can then open the script and edit it.

The size of the stack is 85 K.

If you are interested, I will send the stack offline.

Regards, Wilhelm Sanke

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