THE number of...

erik hansen erikhans08 at
Mon Jan 14 00:05:01 EST 2002

have to admit that THE functions read better with
"the" in front. esp. if i hope to use any
handlers for teaching programming.

while converting all functions in HC for MC
conversion. i came upon and expanded this

function tot it,what
  if what is empty 
  then return (the number of items in it)
  else if what is "l" 
  then return (the number of lines in it)
  else if what is "w" 
  then return the number of words in it
end tot

the idea is to increase white space in the

get bg fld og
put tot(it,l) into tot
repeat with 1 = 1 to tot
  whatever(line i of tot)
end repeat

put tot(it,l) into tot
put (the number of lines in it) into tot

only thing is, nobody else does this.
maybe clearer is better than shorter?

erik at       

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