why MetaCard?

Pierre Sahores psahores at easynet.fr
Wed Jan 9 20:17:01 EST 2002

Hi Anybody,

Hypercard, Metacard, Revolution,...

Tree of the most intelligent developpmement tools, techninally and,
perhaps most important, politically, by their vocation to expend the
developpers community to creative people, including "non computer
science experts"... Why do we always try to put anythings in small,
differents and uncompatibles small closed cases ? Wy not just remember
the luck we have to be able to use those tools, probably against some
very strong markets shares interests (including Microsoft, Sun, Oracle
or SAP).

What to add ? Just thanks to Bill A., thanks to Scott R., thanks to
Kevin M. and thanks to all others whose did SuperCard, Hypersense and so
on available. Why ? Just because each new licensied xtalker is
comtributing to build the most fiendly and democratic tomorrow "computer
science". Don't ask, always and always, witch tool is the onest, betwin
MC and Rev : just do like me : license the both and learn how to get the
best from them or just choose one without forgotting both those tools
are good and usefull stuffs...

Kind Regards to All, Pierre Sahores

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