Web-Dedicated Metacard

Yennie at aol.com Yennie at aol.com
Sun Dec 22 20:21:01 EST 2002

My guess would be per session, but I've never used it.

Anything built from libmc ("embedded Metacard") could presumably always set 
the property if need be, which would pretty much tackle the browser plugin 

As far as helper applications, a standalone player could probably be made 
that did the same thing and always set the secureMode property. Of course 
anyone could get around this if they *wanted* to by using the ordinary 
Metacard engine, but it would be a user-safe engine for those that want it.

I'd love to see someone find the time to create all of the delivery goodies 
for Metacard: browser plugin, apache module, player application. I know there 
are various pro/cons and reasons that they don't already exist, but they are 
all very much technically feasible, and could go a long way towards a growing 
anti-Java following.

Mozilla is open source, and so is Apache...

> Wow, Brian... cool stuff!  I noted that once set to true, it can't be set to
> false. Is that per session? Or is it saved with the stack? Just curious...

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