MC front end to PostgreSQL

Sadhunathan Nadesan sadhu at
Mon Dec 16 11:15:01 EST 2002

Fantastic, Pierre!  

Simple is beautiful.

Do you happen to have any working examples, meaning, a front end to 
an existing site?



| Allo Friends,
| For the ones using Oracle or PostgreSQL backend databases (unix hosted)
| and wants to drive them from within mc apps, without to be sure about
| the way to do it, just adapt the next script example to your needs
| (replace "psql" with "sqlplus" to link an Oracle server).
| >   put "" into DbAuteurs
| >   get shell("echo" && quote & "select distinct auteur__ from citations order by auteur__" && quote && "| psql -h localhost citalis")
| >   repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
| >     put word 1 to -1 of l & return after DbAuteurs
| >   end repeat
| It's probably the fastest and most secure way we can use to get the best
| from both mc and postgres, without any supplementary middleware need,
| alike dedicated c, php, perl and soo on libraries, nor odbc drivers or
| expensive and slow "marketing toys"...
| Have fun ;-)
| -- 

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