what is the relation between metacard and revolution?

Mark Talluto fuegox at mac.com
Sun Apr 14 02:01:00 EDT 2002

On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 07:43  PM, James Z wrote:

> I'm really confused.
> Can someone tell me what the relation between Metacard and Revolution 
> is? I
> understand that they are compatible and there seems to be some 
> connection
> between the two.

MetaCard is based on an engine developed by MC.  They have their own 
interface that allows development of apps just like Rev.  It has been 
around for over 10 years.  Rev came about just recently.   They created 
their own user interface to the exact same engine that they license from 

Revolution is built using the MetaCard engine.  They are both compatible 
to a point.  Revolution has some build in features that would require 
revolution to run.  Revolution on the other hand can read any stack 
created from MetaCard.

> Which is better or are they the same? How did the compatibility between 
> them
> come about.
Which is better depends on you.  Revolution is a more complex user 
interface.  What I mean by that is that it has more options and 
features.  MetaCard is more sparse on its interface.  I myself prefer 
the MC interface at this point because it is less in my face.  Now when 
I first started using MC, I came over from SuperCard.  In those early 
days, I would have preferred the Rev interface.  Both have the pos and 

They are compatible for the reason above.
> Lastly, why is the Metacard mailing list hosted by Revolution?
Don't know.  Guess they offered and MC accepted.  Used to be different.  
This new list works and since it does...

> Thanks
> James Zuchelli

-Mark Talluto

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