Two handlers sharing time

Scott Rossi scott at
Tue Dec 18 18:30:01 EST 2001

Recently, Shari wrote:

> This is a level game.  When you enter a new level, it sets up a
> random level.  One of the most time consuming tasks is that it
> randomly places a number of objects on the gameboard.  It must check
> to make sure the object doesn't overlap any other objects, and if it
> does, move it to a new location.

Are you physically checking the locations of placed objects?  Because it
would be a lot more efficient to compare values of where objects *will* be
placed (meaning before they are placed) rather than checking the locations
after the fact and repositioning them.

> I tried 8 ways to Sunday to make this happen in a matter of seconds,
> but it simply doesn't.  And if it isn't instantaneous, something
> needs to occupy the player.

Usually, this is what a progress bar or meter is for.  Computer users expect
this type of feedback when they have to wait (witness the person who
downloads a 10MB file over a 28.8 dialup connection).  In the context of a
game, you can make all manner of cool progress bars that can be entertaining
to watch and occupy the user while they wait.

> The idea I came up with to keep the user busy while the level is
> being set up, I am very happy with this, and consider it a very good
> addition to the game overall.

It may be a great idea, but any extra processing you do will probably add to
the overall time needed to complete the level.  My suggestions were really
just intended to save you some work -- it sounds like you have a lot going



Scott Rossi                       Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director                 Email: scott at

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