Mac volunteers / promoting MC

Nikorasu Kweto kweto at
Sun Dec 9 06:38:01 EST 2001


The MC help states it's not possible to build Mac standalones on Windows.
Anyone with a Mac care to volunteer? :-)

My stacks average 13KB, but of course standalones would be over 1MB. If no
one takes me up on this I understand, especially since he/she is opening
themselves up to further requests from me in future ;-) BTW, the stacks are
non-commercial, EFL related.

In the meantime and as an alternative, I've thought of putting up a link for
downloading Metacard itself. Any visually attractive ways to do this, i.e.,
rather than a simple text link some kind of logo, icon, etc.? I'd be more
than happy to promote MC in whatever way I can, but I'm conjecturing that
many people will baulk at downloading a 4MB file, let alone having to figure
out installation instructions (or could installation be made painless

Thanks for listening.

Nicolas R Cueto
Takakura Jr & Sr High (Nagoya, Japan)

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